***2009 [#pf509f81]

(130) Saim M. Emin, Norihito Sogoshi, Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Takashi Fujihara, and Ceco D Dushkin, “Kinetics of Photochromic Induced Energy Transfer between Manganese-Doped Zinc-Selenide Quantum Dots and Spiropyrans” [[J.Phys.Chem.C. 2009, 113(10), pp 3998-4007>http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp809797x]].

(131) T.Sumii, T.Hidai, S.Kokubun, S.Nakabayashi “Fluorescence intensitiy transition in Dictyosteliun aggregation” J.Experimental Biology (to be Submitted).

(132) Norihito Sogoshi, Kazushi Kobayashi, Masashi Kosaka, Susumu Katano, and Seiichiro Nakabayashi,
“Enhanced Faraday Effect in Magnetic Opal of Spherical Silica Particles”, Chem. Lett. In Press. (2009).

(133) Emin, S., Sogoshi, N., Nakabayashi, S., Villeneuve, M., Dushkin, C., “Growth kinetics of CdS quantum dots and synthesis of their polymer nano-composites in CTAB reverse micelles”, J. of Photochem. &Photobiol. A: Chemistry. Article in Press. (2009).

(134) Emin, S.M., Sogoshi, N., Nakabayashi, S., Fujihara, T., Dushkin, C.D., “Kinetics of photochromic induced energy transfer between manganese-doped zinc-selenide quantum dots and spiropyrans”, J. of Phys. Chem. C, 113 (10) pp. 3998-4007, (2009).

(135) Saim Emin, Alexandre Loukanov, Masobu Wakasa, Saiichiro Nakabayashi. "Water Dispersible CdTe Quantum Dots" submitted to the J. Nanoscie. Nanotechnolog. 2009.


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