Research Area of Evolutionary Molecular Design


Saitama University | Research Area of Evolutionary Molecular Design

Main Content

Publications(2019.4.~ )

Naoto Nemoto

Haga K, (他17名), Nemoto N, Katayama K (2021) Nasal delivery of single-domain antibodies improves symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection in an animal model. PLOS Phasgens 17: e1009542.

Anzai H, (他5名), Nemoto N*(2021) Interleukin-17A Peptide Aptamers with an Unexpected Binding Moiety Selected by cDNA Display under Heterogenous Conditions. ACS Med Chem Lett 12: 1427-1434.

Terai T, Koike T, Nemoto N* (2020) Photocrosslinking of cDNA Display Molecules with Their Target Proteins as a New Strategy for Peptide Selection. Molecules 25: E1472.

Yamamoto Y, Terai T, Kumachi S, Nemoto N* (2020) In Vitro Construction of Large-scale DNA Libraries from Fragments Containing Random Regions using Deoxyinosine-containing Oligonucleotides and Endonuclease V. ACS Comb Sci 22: 165-171.

Jayathilake C, Kumachi S, Arai H, Motohashi M, Terai T, Murakami A, Nemoto N* (2020) In vitro selection of anti-gliadin single-domain antibodies from a naïve library for cDNA-display mediated immuno-PCR. Anal Biochem 589: 113490.

Jayathilake C, Terai T. Nemoto N* (2019) cDNA Display Mediated Immuno-PCR (cD-IPCR): A Novel PCR-based Antigen Detection Method. Bio-protocol 9: e3457.

Anzai H, Terai T, Jayathilake C, Suzuki T, Nemoto N* (2019) A novel immuno-PCR method using cDNA display. Anal Biochem 578: 1-6.

Terai T, Anzai H, Nemoto N* (2019) Selection of Peptides that Associate with Dye-Conjugated Solid Surfaces in a pH-Dependent Manner Using cDNA Display. ACS Omega 4: 7378-7384.

Yuzuru Tozawa

Google scholar

Kuroiwa F, Nishino A, Mandal Y, Honzawa M, Suenaga-Hiromori M, Suzuki K, Takani Y, Miyagi-Inoue Y, Yamaguchi H, Yamashita S, Takahashi S, Tozawa Y*. Reconstitution of prenyltransferase activity on nanodiscs by components of the rubber synthesis machinery of the Para rubber tree and guayule. Sci Rep 12: 3734 (2022) doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-07564-y

MaT, Sato M, Komiya M, Kanomata K, Watanabe T, Feng X, Miyata R, Tadaki D, Hirose F, Tozawa Y, Hirano-Iwata A* (2021) Lateral voltage as a new input for artificial lipid bilayer systems. Faraday Discuss (published on-line) DOI: 10.1039/D1FD00045D.

Takamura N, Yamazaki A, Sakuma N, Hirose S, Takani Y, Yamashita S, Sakai M, Oshima M, Kuroki M, Tozawa Y* (2021) Catalytic promiscuity of rice 2-oxoglutarate/Fe(II) dependent dioxygenases supports xenobiotic metabolism. Plant Physiol kiab293.

Nurkanto A, Jeelani G, Santos HJ, Rahmawati Y, Mori M, Nakamura Y, Goto K, Saikawa Y, Annoura T, Tozawa Y, Sakura T, Inaoka DK, Shiomi K, Nozaki T* (2021) Characterization of Plasmodium falciparum pantothenate kinase and identification of its inhibitors from microbial natural products. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 11: Article 639065.

Nozawa A, Ito D, Ibrahim M, Santos H, Tsuboi T, Tozawa Y* (2020) Characterization of mitochondrial carrier proteins of malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum based on in vitro translation and reconstitution. Parasitol Int 79:102160.

Suzuki K, Inoue H, Matsuoka S, Tero R, Hirano-Iwata A, Tozawa Y* (2020) Establishment of a cell-free translation system from rice callus extracts. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 84(10):2028-2036.

Moog D, Nozawa A, Tozawa Y, Kamikawa R* (2020) Substrate specificity of plastid phosphate transporters in a non-photosynthetic diatom and its implication in evolution of red alga-derived complex plastids. Sci Rep 10: 1167.

Santos H, Imai K, Makiuchi T, Tomii K, Horton P, Nozawa A, Okada K, Tozawa Y, Nozaki T* (2019) Novel lineage-specific transmembrane β-barrel proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum of Entamoeba histolytica. FEBS J 286: 3416-3432.

Maeda H, Murata K, Sakuma N, Takei S, Yamazaki A, Karim MR, Kawata M, Hirose S, Kawagishi-Kobayashi M, Taniguchi Y, Suzuki S, Sekino K, Ohshima M, Kato H, Yoshida H, Tozawa Y* (2019) A rice gene that confers broad-spectrum resistance to -triketone herbicides. Science 365:393-396.

Ishiro Sakata

Takemi S, Honda W, Yokota N, Sekiya H, Miura T, Wada R, Sakai T, Sakata I* (2022) Molecular cloning of cholecystokinin (CCK) and CCK-A receptor and mechanism of CCK-induced gastrointestinal motility in Suncus murinus. Gen Comp Endocrinol 327:114074.

Matsumoto M, Takemi S, Sakai T, Sakata I* (2022) Identification of motilin in Japanese fire bellied newt. Gen Comp Endocrinol 323-324:114031.

Kobayashi Y, Takemi S, Sakai T, Shibata C, Sakata I* (2022) Diurnal changes of colonic motility and regulatory factors for colonic motility in Suncus murinus. Neurogastroenterol Motil 34:e14302.

Lu Z, Cui D, Liu JYH, Jiang B, Ngan MP, Sakata I, Takemi S, Sakai T, Lin G, Chan SW, Rudd JA* (2022) The Actions of Centrally Administered Nesfatin-1 on Emesis, Feeding, and Locomotor Activity in Suncus murinus (House Musk Shrew). Front Pharmacol 13:858522.

Iijima M, Takemi S, Aizawa S, Sakai T, Sakata I* (2021) The suppressive effect of REVERBs on ghrelin and GOAT transcription in gastric ghrelin-producing cells. Neuropeptides 90:102187.

Fujishiro M, Yahagi S, Takemi S, Nakahara M, Sakai T, Sakata I* (2021) Pyridoxine stimulates filaggrin production in human epidermal keratinocytes. Mol Biol Rep 48:5513-5518.

Kimura R, Kondo D, Takemi S, Fujishiro M, Tsukahara S, Sakai T, Sakata I* (2021) The role of central corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor signalling in plasma glucose maintenance through ghrelin secretion in calorie-restricted mice. J Neuroendocrinol 33:e12961.

Sakata I*, Takemi S (2021) Ghrelin-cell physiology and role in the gastrointestinal tract. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 28:238-242.

Sekiya H, Yokota N, Takemi S, Nakayama K, Okada H, Sakai T, Sakata I* (2020) The inhibitory effect of somatostatin on gastric motility in Suncus murinus. J Smooth Muscle Res 56:69-81.

Zhang S, Okuhara Y, Iijima M, Takemi S, Sakata I, Kaiya H, Teraoka H, Kitazawa T* (2020) Identification of pheasant ghrelin and motilin and their actions on contractility of the isolated gastrointestinal tract. Gen Comp Endocrinol 285:113294.

Al-Saffar A, Takemi S, Saaed HK, Sakata I, Sakai T* (2019) Utility of animal gastrointestinal motility and transit models in functional gastrointestinal disorders. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 40-41:101633.

Aizawa S*, Gu T, Kaminoda A, Fujioka R, Ojima F, Sakata I, Sakai T, Ogoshi M, Takahashi S, Takeuchi S. (2019) Adenosine stimulates neuromedin U mRNA expression in the rat pars tuberalis. Mol Cell Endocrinol 496:110518.

Takakura N, Takemi S, Kumaki S, Matsumoto M, Sakai T, Iwatsuki K, Sakata I* (2019) Generation and characterization of Suncus murinus intestinal organoid: a useful tool for studying motilin secretion. Cell Biol Int 2019 Jul 10.

Takemi S, Nishio R, Taguchi H, Ojima S, Matsumoto M, Sakai T, Sakata I* (2019) Molecular cloning and analysis of Suncus murinus group IIA secretary phospholipase A2 expression. Dev Comp Immunol 100:103427.

Masatsugu Toyota

Chakraborty S, Toyota M, Moeder W, Chin K, Fortuna A, Champigny M, Vanneste S, Gilroy S, Beeckman T, Nambara E, Yoshioka K* (2021) CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE-GATED ION CHANNEL 2 modulates auxin homeostasis and signaling. Plant Physiol in press

Uemura T, Wang J, Aratani Y, Gilroy S, Toyota M* (2021) Wide-field, real-time imaging of local and systemic wound signals in Arabidopsis. J Vis Exp 172:e62114.

Johns S, Hagihara T, Toyota M, Gilroy S* (2021) The fast and the furious: rapid long-range signaling in plants. Plant Physiol 185:694-706.

Takahashi K*, Takahashi H, Furuichi T, Toyota M, Furutani-Seiki M, Kobayashi T, Watanabe-Takano H, Shinohara M, Numaga-Tomita T, Sakaue-Sawano A, Miyawaki A, Naruse K* (2021) Gravity sensing in plant and animal cells. NPJ Microgravity 7:2.

Suda H, Mano H, Toyota M, Fukushima K, Mimura T, Tsutsui I, Hedrich R, Tamada Y, Hasebe M* (2020) Calcium dynamics during trap closure visualized in transgenic Venus flytrap. Nature Plants 6:1219-1224.

Hagihara T, Toyota M* (2020) Mechanical Signaling in the Sensitive Plant Mimosa pudica L. Plants 9:587.

Hilleary R, Paez-Valencia J, Vens C, Toyota M, Palmgren M, Gilroy S* (2020) Tonoplast-localized Ca2+ pumps regulate Ca2+ signals during pattern-triggered immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 117:18849-18857.

Kimura S, Hunter K, Vaahtera L, Tran HC, Citterico M, Vaattovaara A, Rokka A, Stolze SC, Harzen A, Meissner L, Wilkens MMT, Hamann T, Toyota M, Nakagami H, Wrzaczek M* (2020) CRK2 and C-terminal Phosphorylation of NADPH Oxidase RBOHD Regulate Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 32:1063-1080.

Abe Y, Meguriya K, Matsuzaki T, Sugiyama T, Yoshikawa HY, Morita MT, Toyota M* (2020) Micromanipulation of amyloplasts with optical tweezers in Arabidopsis stems. Plant Biotechnol 37:405-415.

Hunter K, Kimura S, Rokka A, Tran HC, Toyota M, Kukkonen JP, Wrzaczek M* (2019) CRK2 Enhances Salt Tolerance by Regulating Callose Deposition in Connection with PLDalpha1. Plant Physiol 180:2004-2021.

Sachiko Tsuda

Hiyoshi K, Shiraishi A, Fukuda N, Tsuda S* (2021) In vivo wide-field voltage imaging in zebrafish with voltage-sensitive dye and genetically encoded voltage indicator. Dev Growth Differ 63: 417-428.

Yuikawa T, Ikeda M, Tsuda S, Saito S, Yamasu K* (2021) Involvement of Oct4-type transcription factor Pou5f3 in posterior spinal cord formation in zebrafish embryos. Dev Growth Differ 63(6): 306-322.

Hiyoshi K, Saito K, Fukuda N, Matsuzaki T, Yoshikawa H and Tsuda S* (2021) Two-photon laser ablation and in vivo wide-field imaging of inferior olive neurons revealed the recovery of olivocerebellar circuits in zebrafish. Int J Environ Res Public Health 18: 8357.

Takahashi K, Ito Y, Yoshimura M, Nikaido M, Yuikawa T, Kawamura A, Tsuda S, Kage D, Yamasu K* (2021) A globin-family protein, Cytoglobin 1, is involved in the development of neural crest-derived tissues and organs in zebrafish. Dev Biol 472: 1-17.

Abe K, Shimada A, Tayama S, Nishikawa H, Kaneko T, Tsuda S, Karaiwa A, Matsui T, Ishitani T, Takeda H* (2019) Horizontal boundary cells, a special group of somitic cells, play crucial roles in the formation of dorsoventral compartments in teleost somite, Cell Rep 27: 928-939.

Tsuda S*, Hiyoshi H, Miyazawa H, Kinno R and Yamasu K (2019) 4D imaging and characterization of dynamic migratory behaviors and fate of neuroprogenitors in zebrafish hindbrain. Neurosci Lett 690: 112-119.

Yasuko Kaneko

Abeynayaka D, Atsuzawa K, Tokunaga M, Kaneko Y* (2022) Effect of metal ion aqueous solutions containing copper on cyanobacterial cells: Behavior of metal ions and changes in cell structure. Journal of Japan Institute of Copper 61: 206-212.

Abeynayaka D, Atsuzawa K, Tokunaga M, Kaneko Y* (2021) Effects of metal ion aqueous solutions containing copper on cyanobacterial cells: generation of reactive oxygen species and intracellular localization of metal ions. Journal of Japan Institute of Copper 60: 235-240.

Ishikawa Y, Cassan C, Kadeer A, Yuasa K, Sato N, Sonoike K, Kaneko Y, (他7名), Kawai-Yamada M* (2021) The NAD kinase Slr0400 functions as a growth repressor in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Plant Cell Physiol 62: 668-677.

Ghosh I, Atsuzawa K, Arai A, Ohmukai R, Kaneko Y* (2020) TEM observation of compacted DNA of Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 using DRAQ5 labelling with DAB photooxidation and osmium black. Microscopy (Oxf) 70: 316-320.

Atsuzawa K, Kanaizumi D, Ajisaka M, Kamada T, Sakamoto K, Matsushima H, Kaneko Y* (2020) Fine structure of Aldrovanda vesiculosa L: the peculiar lifestyle of an aquatic carnivorous plant elucidated by electron microscopy using cryo-techniques. Microscopy (Oxf) 69: 214-226.

Abeynayaka D, Hayashi M, Atsuzawa K, Kaneko Y*(2020) Effects of metal ion aqueous solutions containing copper on cyanobacterial cells: the involvement of reactive oxygen species. Journal of Japan Institute of Copper 59: 189-195.

Amirnia S, Asaeda T*, Takeuchi C, Kaneko Y (2019) Manganese-mediated immobilization of arsenic by calcifying macro-algae, Chara braunii. Sci Total Environ 646, 661-669.

Kaneko Y*, Sharmin F, Bulbul N, Atsuzawa K (2019) Backscattered electron imaging of high-pressure frozen soybean root nodules visualizes formation of symbiosome membranes. Microscopy (Oxf) 68, 181-184.

Ishikawa Y, Miyagi A, Ishikawa T, Nagano M, Yamaguchi M, Hihara Y, Kaneko Y, Kawai-Yamada M* (2019) One of the NAD kinases, sll1415, is required for the glucose metabolism of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Plant J 98: 654-666.

Ueno S*, Sasao S, Liu H, Hayashi M, Shigematsu T, Kaneko Y, Araki T (2019) Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on β-glucan content, swelling power, starch damage, and pasting properties of high-β-glucan barley flour. High Pressure Research 39: 509-524.

Ueno S*, Iryo N, Sasao S, Liu H, Atsuzawa K, Kaneko Y, Shimada R (2019) Freeze-thaw-induced structural destruction and generation of γ-aminobutyric acid in water-soaked soybeans. Japan Journal of Food Engineering 20: 41-49.

Sharmin F, Atsuzawa K, Jung S, Schubert S, Kaneko Y* (2019) Para-crystalline membrane structures resembling prolamellar bodies in the invasion zones of indeterminate root nodules of Vicia faba L. Microscopy (Oxf) 68: 379-384.

Hayashi M, Atsuzawa K, Kaneko Y* (2019) Effects of copper ion in aqueous solution on cyanobacterial cell structures and involvement of reactive oxygen species. Journal of Japan Institute of Copper 58: 279-284.