
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Keywords : Non-edible food waste, biochar, Biochar NPK fertilizer, Adsorption
Research advisor : Prof. Qingyue Wang
Why I entered GSC program
Waste, especially nonedible food waste, is a serious threat to the different compartments of the environment in developing and underdeveloped counties . That is why I am highly interested in conducting research to address the problem. As Green and Sustainable Chemical Technologies (GSC) Program offers funds for young scientists to solve global environmental issues, I took the opportunity.
Research title
Pyrolysis modification for the manipulation of catalytic and sorption potentiality of biochar and its application as soil improver
Research abstract
Non-edible food waste is a matter of deep concern as it is creating multidimensional threats to the environment. Therefore, this study was conducted to characterize, formulate slow-release fertilizers, and find out the adsorption capacity of the waste biochar. Eight different waste was selected from plant animal sources. The characterization of the waste material was conducted. The biochar was produced from the waste at different temperatures. Characterization results revealed that waste contain significant amount of macro and micronutrient plant nutrients. The waste biochar will undergo an adsorption experiment for the contaminants. In addition, formulation of the biochar bound chemical fertilizers will be made to reduce the fertilizer losses during production.
Graphical abstract