
Nationality : Bangladesh
Keywords : Water quality, Heavy metal, Bio-adsorption, Porous filter media,
Research advisor : Prof. Takeshi Fujino
Why I entered GSC program
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of objectives that must be attained, and Saitama University's International Graduate Program on Green and Sustainable Chemical (GSC) Technology is a PhD program that integrates several disciplines. The program's main objective is to better waste management and reduce environmental degradation by integrating modern technology. My decision to seek further education in this program as a civil engineer working in the water supply and sanitation sector in Bangladesh is motivated by the urgent need to meet two important SDGs: maintaining safe sanitation practices and providing everyone with access to clean drinking water. My decision to enroll in the GSC program was influenced by issues including salt intrusion, heavy metal contamination of groundwater, and water pollution from industrial effluents. I want to meet these concerns head-on by gaining the essential expertise, abilities, and research opportunities provided by the GSC program. In particular, I want to address problems like heavy metal contamination.
Research title
Gypsum Based Porous Medium with Waste Vegetable Adsorbent: Physical Properties
Research abstract
For the billions of people living in developing nations where groundwater is used directly as a cheap supply of water, heavy metal poisoning of the water poses a serious threat to water safety. However, tons of leftover gypsum boards are bad for the environment and need to be dealt with for safe reuse or disposal. Wasted veggies pose another environmental risk to dispose of. The novel affordable porous filter media block (PFMB) suggested in this study has gypsum as its foundation. For the treatment of heavy metals from groundwater and industrial wastewater, it uses broadly permeable solid composites. These permeable products are readily available yet expensive to use and chemically reactive. The novel affordable porous filter media block (PFMB) suggested in this study has gypsum as its foundation. Utilizing gypsum, vegetable waste, aluminum sulphate, and sodium bi carbonate, a porous filer media has been created. For the treatment of heavy metals in groundwater, this filtering method may be both affordable and environmentally friendly. The physical characteristics and potential for use as water filter for heavy metal removal will be assessed in this study.
Graphical abstract