
Nationality : Chinese
Keywords : Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,Soil, Plant, Schwertmannite, Persulfate
Research advisor : Prof. O Seiyo
Why I entered GSC program
Why I entered GSC program: The International Graduate Program on Green and Sustainable Chemical Technologies (GSC) covers a broad spectrum of research fields including Chemistry, Material Science, Environmental Sciences, Ecological Engineering and Environmental Health Sciences. Environmental Sciences is a field that I have been interested in and researching for a long time. The resources on the earth are limited, but with the development of industrialization, the soil, water, and atmosphere are polluted, which is closely related to the survival and development of human. Therefore, I think the GSC project is extremely meaningful, and it has great significance for nature, human beings, and the impact on the earth. Japan and China are neighbors and they have become more important to each other in recent years, I think this kind of cooperation between the two parties will show more development prospects in the future. Therefore, joining the GSC project can achieve my goal of treating polluted water, soil, and atmosphere, and creating a better tomorrow for human.
Research title
Study on migration, transformation and control technology of PAHs in soil
Research abstract
Research abstract: Due to the emission of fossil fuels and automobile exhaust, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been widely present in soil, water, and plants. PAH pollution has attracted worldwide attention because of its mutagenic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic effects on humans. As phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene are the most common polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil, it is of great significance to study their migration and transformation from soil to plants, and to use advanced oxidation technology to interfere with the migration of phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene to plants. Therefore, this study studied the migration and transformation process of phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene to plants in soil, and explored the effect of advanced oxidation technology on the migration and transformation of phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene to plants in soil. These findings provide theoretical support for the treatment of PAHs-containing soil via the advanced oxidation technology catalyzed by Sch.
Graphical abstract