
Nationality : Sri Lankan
Keywords : Ecotoxicology, Heavy Metals, Biomarkers, Fluorescence Probes, Chemical Pollution, Genotoxicity
Research advisor : Prof. Takeshi Fujino
Why I entered GSC program
With the advancements in technologies of the 21st century, the anthropogenic influence on the environment is increasing. Environmental contamination with different chemicals is ubiquitous which needs to be quantified to identify the potential threats of getting exposed to these contaminants. This paves the way to seek strategies to prevent and control environmental contamination. As a young academic in the field of environmental science, this is my prime concern in protecting our precious planet. I believe that the doctoral programme in Green and Sustainable Chemical Technologies at the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Saitama University is the perfect pitch for me to play in my academic arena in this regard.
Research title
Application of Fluorescence Probes in Quantifying and Visualizing the Localization of Heavy Metals in In-vivo Systems under Multiple Stress Conditions
Research abstract
In my research project, I look into the application of synthetic organic fluorescence probes selective towards specific heavy metals and work as on/off switches in the presence and absence of the heavy metals of interest using freshwater cladocerans as the test species. This enables both visualization and quantification of heavy metal distribution in in-vivo systems and has the potential to be used as an easy assay to monitor the heavy metal contamination in aquatic environments. Another aspect that I am investigating is the interactive toxicological effects such as synergism, antagonism and additive effects of different chemicals such as heavy metals and inorganic fertilizers present simultaneously in the aquatic environment. For my studies, cladocerans are used mainly because they are widely distributed in aquatic habitats and has been extensively used in aquatic toxicological studies due to its high sensitivity to toxic chemicals.
Graphical abstract