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#include(/業績リスト/Original Papers 1998,notitle)

(43?)S. Nakabayashi, I. Krastev, R. Aogaki and K. Inokuma, Chem. Phys. Lett., vol.294, nos.1-3, pp.204-208 (1998). Full TEXT (available)
>"Electrochemical Instability of Ag/Sb Co-Deposition Coupled with a Magnetohydrodynamic Flow"

(44?)S. Nakabayashi, R. Aogaki, U. Iguchi, and M. Nawa, Chem. Lett., no.7, pp.591-592 (1998).
>"How does Senko-Hanabi Fire in 10T Magnetic Field?"

(45?)S. Nakabayashi, R. Baba, and Y. Shiomi, Chem. Phys. Lett., vol.287, nos.5-6, pp.632-638 (1998). Full TEXT (available)  
>"Spatiotemporal Propagation of a Non-Linear Electrochemical Reaction Over an Iron Electrode",

(46?)S. Nakabayashi and U. Iguchi, ACH-Models Chem., vol.135, pp.323-327 (1998)
>"Pattern Transition of Two Dimentional Zinc Electrodeposition at Liquid/Liquid Interface"


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