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#include(/業績リスト/Original Papers 1999,notitle)

(50) S.Nakabayashi, A.Fujishima, , N. Ohta 
>"Electrochemical Reduction of Cu2+ without Surface Trapping on Synthetic Conductive Diamond Electrode", 
Chem.Phys.Lett., 300,409-413(1999). 

(51) R.S.Rashkov, R.Aogaki , S.Nakabayashi 
>"Direct Imaging of Concentration Profile over Interdigitated Dot Electrodes", 
Chem. Lett.,97-98(1999). 

(52) S.Nakabayashi, R.Aogaki, A.Karantonis, U.Iguchi, K.Ushida , M.Nawa 
>"Two Dimensional Metal Deposition at Liquid/Liquid Interface; Potential , Magnetohydrodynamic Pattern Transition", 
J.Electroanal.Chem.,473,54-58 (1999). 

(53)馬場涼、猪熊喜芳、Antonis Karantonis, 中林誠一郎 
化学工学論文集、 25, 579-584 (1999). 

(54) R.S.Rashkov, R.Aogaki , S.Nakabayashi 
>"Magnetic Enhancement of Electrochemical Current over Interdigitated Dot Electrodes", 
Chem.Lett., 211-212 (1999). 

(55) S.Nakabayashi, K.Inokuma , A.Karantonis 
>"Magnetic Effect for Electrochemically Driven Cellular Convection", 
Phys.Rev.E., 59,6599-6608(1999). 

(56) S.Nakabayashi , H.Yanagida 
>"Effect of the Electrolyte Surface Tension on the Single Bubble Sono-Luminescence (SBSL)", 
Electrochemistry, 67, 1231-1233 (1999). 
(57) S.Nakabayashi, N.Ohta , A.Fujishima 
"Dye Sensitization of Synthetic p-Type Diamond Electrode", 
PCCP, 1, 3993-3997 (1999). 
(58) S.Nakabayashi, E.Fukushima, R.Baba, Y.Sugihara, N.Katano , J.Nakayama 
"Stereo-Electrochemistry by Self-Asemmbled Monolayer of Sulfur-Bridged Calixarene on Gold", 
Electrochemistry Communications, 1,550-553 (1999). 
(59) N.Ohta, S.Nakabayashi , A.Fujishima 
"Surface Transition Kinetics on Synthetic Metallic Diamond Electrode", 
Chem.Lett., 1147-1148 (1999).


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