[[e/members/Saim Emin]]

** Original Papers [#se54786e]

1) Saim M. Emin, Pavletta S. Denkova, Karolina I. Papazova, Ceco D. Dushkin and Eiki Adachi. 
"Study of reverse micelles of di isobutylphenoxyethoxyethyldimethylbenzyl ammonium methacrylate in benzene by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 305, 2007, Pages 133-141.

2) Saim M. Emin, Ceco D. Dushkin, Seiichiro Nakabayashi and Eiki Adachi.
"Growth kinetics of CdSe nanoparticles synthesized in reverse micelles using bis(trimethylsilyl) selenium precursor" Central European Journal of Chemistry, Volume 5(2), 2007, Pages 590-604.

3) Saim Emin, Norihito Sogoshi, Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Takashi Fujihara and Ceco Dushkin. " Kinetics of Photochromic Induced Energy Transfer between Manganese-Doped Zinc-Selenide Quantum Dots and Spiropyrans" submitted to Journal of Phy. Chem. C, 2008.

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