Activated nucleotide sugars that serve as glycosyl
donors for polysaccharides and of the sugar moieties of glycolipids and
glycoproteins in higher plants are generated through de novo
pathway, in which various UDP- and GDP-sugars are produced through
sequential interconversions from UDP-Glc and GDP-Man as the starting
substrates. In the salvage pathway, an alternative route to synthesize
nucleotide sugars, free monosaccharides released during the degradation
of polysaccharides and glycoconjugates are first phosphorylated by the
action of monosaccharide kinases, then converted into nucleotide sugars
by the action of pyrophosphorylases in the presence of respective
nucleotide triphosphates as co-substrates (Figure
We isolated an enzyme with activity to convert various sugar
1-phosphate to respective UDP-sugar from pea sprouts. Recombinant USP
expressed in Escherichia coli (Figure
can also form UDP-Glc, UDP-Gal, UDP-Xyl, UDP-L-Ara, UDP-GlcA,and
UDP-GalA. In terestingly, USP does not act on Man 1-P and L-Fuc 1-P as
they are metabolized as GDP-sugars. For the salvage reaction of free
L-Fuc, L-fucokinase/GDP-L-Fuc pyrophosphorylase (FKGP) is working in
plants. These enzymes are belonging to nucleotide sugar
pyrophosphorylase family, and USP is distinct from known UDP-sugar
making enzymes such as UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (Figure 3).
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Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) are a family of complex
proteoglycans found in all tissues of higher plants and localized in
cell walls, plasma membranes, and the extracellular matrix. Although
the functions of AGPs have not been clearly identified, several lines
of evidence indicate that they are involved in many physiological
events such as cell division, cell expansion, and cell death. AGPs are
characterized by large amounts of carbohydrate components rich in
galactose and L-arabinose, and protein components (core
proteins: generally less than 10% of total weight) rich in
hydroxyproline, serine, threonine, alanine, and glycine. The reducing
galactosyl residues in the carbohydrate chains are attached through O-glycosyl
linkages to Hyp and/or Ser/Thr residues. Since a large number of
putative protein cores exist, it is difficult to separate particular
AGP molecules from other AGP species in plant tissues, which make it
difficult to elucidate the precise characteristics of individual AGPs.
The carbohydrate moieties of AGPs have a common structure consisting of
ƒÀ-1,3-galactosyl backbones to which side chains of ƒÀ-1,6-galactosyl
residues are attached through O-6. L-Arabinose
and lesser amounts of other auxiliary sugars such as glucuronic acid, 4-O-methyl-glucuronic
acid, L-rhamnose, and L-fucose are
attached to the side chains, usually at nonreducing terminals. It is
important to study carbohydrate degrading enzymes of AGPs because
hydrolytic enzymes specific to particular sugar residues and type of
glycosidic linkage provide useful tools for structural analysis of the
sugar moieties of AGPs (Figure 1). To
date we have characterized several hydrolytic enzymes such as
exo-ƒÀ-1,3-galactanase (EC, endo-ƒÀ-1,6-galactanase (EC, endo-ƒÀ-1,3-galactanase (EC, ƒÀ-galactosidase (EC, ƒ¿-L-arabinofuranosidase
(EC, and ƒÀ-glucuronidase (EC
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