
【回答期限】8/19(月) ※期限内の回答がない場合は、指導教員から連絡がいきます
ログイン→「キャリア」タブ→「進路状況登録」 (所要時間3分)

本調査は各種の統計上必要不可欠であるだけではなく、受験生への情報提供や、 後輩学生の進路選択の参考となる大切な資料になりますので、ご協力をお願いします。

・社会人学生、進学希望者、試験受験中の方、未定者、卒業・修了延期の方含め、全員回答必須 ・登録後の修正・更新可(既に登録した方も、確認の上更新してください)

To all students who are scheduled to graduate or complete their studies in 2024

Saitama University is requesting all students who are scheduled to graduate or complete their studies this year to report on their current career status.
We need to report not only those who wish to find employment, but also all those who have already entered the workforce, those who wish to enter graduate school,those who will not find employment due to various examinations, and those who have not yet determined their future path, as well as those who will not graduate or complete their studies.
We appreciate your cooperation.