Mar.6/2025 Our research was introduced in "University Journal Online".
Dec.16/2024 Dr. Toyota received the "Shimazu Encouragement Award".
Nov.25/2024 "ERATO Kick Off Meething" was held in Kazusa-Ichinomiya on Nov.21-22.
Nov.18/2024 Our research will be broadcast on BS TV Tokyo "Imakara Science" on Nov.20.
Nov.15/2024 Our research was introduced by Toshin High School HP.
Nov.8/2024 Our research was introduced in Mainichi Shimbun.
Oct.17/2024 Dr.Toyota's JST ERATO project was introduced in various media.
Oct.8/2024 Dr.Toyota will appear in BS Fuji "Galireo X" on Oct.13th.
Sep.30/2024 5 undergraduate students joined our lab.
Sep.29/2024 An interview article with Dr.Toyota was published in Croissant Online.
Sep.27/2024 Dr.Toyota's research proposal was selected for JST's "ERATO" program 2024.
Aug.23/2024 Our research was introduced in JST's "Science Portal".
May.29/2024 Our research was introduced in "Life Science DOKIDOKI Laboratory".
May.23/2024 We held a Pakistan lunch party.
May.10/2024 Our research was introduced in "Lab.First".
Apr.29/2024 Our research will be broadcast on NHK "Chiko chan ni Shikarareru SP" on May 3rd.
Apr.1/2024 Dr. Hiraku Suda and Dr.Takuma Hagihara became an assitant professor and postdoctoral researcher.
Mar.25/2024 1 doctoral student, 2 graduate students and 3 undergraduate students graduated.
Mar.18/2024 Dr.Toyota received "The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese society of Plant Physiologists' Encouragement Award".
Mar.17/2024 Graduate student Hiroki Asakawa made an oral presentation at "The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese society of Plant Physiologists".
Mar.8/2024 Graduate student Yuri Aratani was selected as "The Excellent Student Award for the fifth year of Reiwa".
Mar.7/2024 Our article made it into the top 25 Nature Communications life and biological science articles of 2023.
Dec.14/2023 Dr. Hiraku Suda received "The 40th Inoue Research Encouragement Award".
Dec.8/2023 Our research will be broadcast on NHK "HUMANIENCE, Conspiracy of 4 billion years" on Dec.11th.
Nov.22/2023 Dr.Toyota was introduced in Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
Oct.20/2023 Our research was introduced in Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
Oct.17/2023 Our research was introduced in "Nature Communications".
Oct.2/2023 3 undergraduate students joined our lab.
Sep.25/2023 New student from Pakistan joined our lab.
Sep.7/2023 Dr.Hiraku Suda and Hiroki Asakawa made oral presentations at "The 87th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan".
Aug.11/2023 Our collaborative research with National Institute for Basic Biology was released in Science.
Jul.17/2023 Our collaborative research with Akita Prefectual University was released in Scientific Reports.
Jun.07/2023 Graduate student Yuri Aratani made a poster presentation at "The 33th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research".
May.26/2023 Dr.Hiraku Suda made an oral presentations at "The 13th International Conference Japan 2023" organized by Japanese Carnivorous Plant Socity.
May.24/2023 Takuma Hagihara and Ami Nakano made both oral and poster presentations at "Plant Cell Dynamics 2023" held in University Of WisconsinーMadison.
May.11/2023 Dr.Gregg Howe from Michigan State University visited our lab and held a seminar.
Apr.10/2023 Our article made it into the top 25 Nature Communications life and biological science articles of 2022.
Mar.24/2023 3 graduate students and 3 undergraduate students graduated.
Mar.20/2023 Dr.Toyota's comments were published on "Chemistry World".
Mar.17/2023 Graduate student Yuri Aratani made an oral presentation on The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists.
Mar.17/2023 Dr.Toyota was introduced in Yomiuri Chukosei Shimbun.
Mar.17/2023 Graduate student Takuma Hagihara was selected as "The Excellent Student Award for the forth year of Reiwa".
Mar.14/2023 Our research will be broadcast on NHK "Sekai! Omoshiro Gakusha no Sugo Dougasai 5" on Mar.16th.
Feb.28/2023 Graduate student Takuma Hagihara (D2) was intorduced in "SAIDAI CONSIERGE" vol.63.
Feb.10/2023 Our research will be broadcast on NHK "Weekly Maruwakari News" on Feb.12th.
Jan.20/2023 Our research will be broadcast on TBS "Information 7days News Caster" on Jan.21st.
Nov.30/2022 Graduate student Ami Nakano made a poster presentation at The 45th Molecular Biology Science of Japan.
Nov.14/2022 Our research was introduced in various media.
Nov.14/2022 Our research was released in Nature Communications.
Nov.2/2022 Our research will be broadcast on "NHK Special" from Nov.6th.
Oct.3/2022 3 undergraduate students (junior) joined our lab.
Sep.28/2022 Graduate student Ami Nakano made a poster presentation at The 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan.
Sep.27/2022 Our research was released in Plant and Cell Physiology.
Sep.22/2022 Sorato Yoshida (M2), Hiroki Asakawa (M1) and Aami Nakano (M1) received "The Excellent Presentation Award" at Young people's Workshop in Plant-Structure Optimization area.
Aug.1/2022 Our research was released in Current Opinion in Plant Bilogy.
Apr.7/2022 Our research will be broadcast on NHK "Ashita ga kawaru Torisetsu show" on Apr.7th.
Mar.31/2022 Undergraduate student Akitsu Takabayashi received "Faculty of Science Excellent Academic Award".
Mar.27/2022 "Let's experience the joy of Science" sponsored by Ohsumi Frontier Science Foundation was held.
Mar.24/2022 2 graduate students and 3 undergraduate students graduated.
Mar.8/2022 Our research collaborate with Nagoya University was released in Nature Communications.
Mar.1/2022 Toyota Lab will join the event "Let's experience the joy of Science" held in Kawaguchi Lilia on Mar.27th.
Oct.1/2021 3 undergraduate students (junior) joined our lab.
Sep.21/2021 Graduate Student Gen Hirohara received "The Excellent Presentation Award" at Young people's Workshop in Plant-Structure Optimization area.
Jul.30/2021 Undergraduate student Hiroki Asakawa received "Hakuraku Rock Bill Scholarship".
Jul.27/2021 Our research collaborate with University of Tront was released in Plant Physiology.
Jun.04/2021 Our research was released in Journal of Visualized Experiments.
Apr.1/2021 3 undergraduate Studetns (senior) joined our lab.
Mar.25/2021 3 graduate students and 3 undergraduate students graduated.
Feb.14/2021 Our research will be broadcast on BS Fuji "Galileo X" on Feb.14.
Feb.8/2021 Our research collaborate with Okayama University was released in NPJ Microgravity.
Jan.7/2021 Our research collaborate with University of Wisconsin-Madison was released in Plant Physiology.
Jan.7/2021 Our research collaborate with University of Wisconsin-Madison was released in Plant Physiology.
Dec.16/2020 Dr. Masatsugu Toyota was selected for Suntory's "Rising Stars Encouragement Program in Life Science".
Oct.16/2020 Graduate student Takuma Hagihara received "The Excellent Presentation Award" at Young people's workshop in Plant-Structure Optimization area.
Oct.16/2020 Dr. Hiraku Suda's research was introduced in various media.
Oct.1/2020 Dr. Hiraku Suda joined our lab as a postdoctral researcher.
Sep.16/2020 Our research and interview will be broadcast on NHK ”Sekai! Omoshiro Gakusha no Sugowaza Doga!" on Sep.16.
Aug.27/2020 Undergraduate student Gen Hirohara received "Hakuraku Rock Bill Scholarship".
Jul.20/2020 Our research collaborate with University of Wisconsin was released in PNAS.
May 4/2020 Our research was released in Plants.
Mar.25/2020 3 Graduate students and 3 Undergraduate students graduated.
Feb.18/2020 Dr. Masatsugu Toyota received Nikon Joico Award 2019 "GRAND JOICO PRIZE".
Feb.7/2020 Our research collaborate with University of Helsinki was released in Plant Cell.
Feb.1/2020 Dr. Takuya Uemura joined our lab as a postdoctoral researcher.
Nov.7/2019 Undergraduate student Takuma Hagihara was selected as "The Excellent Student Award for the first year of Reiwa".
Oct.1/2019 3 Undergraduate students (junior) joined our lab.
Aug.2/2019 Dr. Kiwamu Tanaka (Washington State University, USA) visited our lab.
Mar.26/2019 Our research collaborate with University of Helsinki was released in Plant Physiology.
Mar.26/2019 3 Undergraduate students graduated.
Mar.13/2019 Dr.Toyota and 4 students participated the annual meeting of "The Japanese Society of Plant Phyologists".
Nov.27/2018 Dr.Sonhita Chakraborty (Department of Cell & Systems Biology University of Toronto, Canada) visited our lab.
Oct.31/2018 Dr.Dirk Spencer and Dr.Mike Van (Department of Biology, Stanford University, USA) visited our lab.
Oct.31/2018 Dr.Masatsugu Toyota's research was introduced in BLOGOS.
Oct.29/2018 Our research will be introduced by bayfm78 "Love Our Bay"on Oct.31 to Nov.1.
Oct.1/2018 3 Undergraduated studetns (junior) joined our lab.
Sep.14/2018 Our article (Toyota al.,Science 2018) was recommended to F1000 Prime.
Sep.14/2018 Our research result was introduced in various media such as NEW YORK TIMES, Fobes, National Geographic, Yomiuri Shimbun, etc.
Sep.14/2018 Our research was released in Science.
Sep.11/2018 Dr. Masatsugu Toyota held a press conference at MEXT.
Aug.20/2018 Held a party for finishing Graduate school entrance exam.
Jun.9/2018 Our collaborative reserach was released in Plant Biomechanics.
Apr.1/2018 3 Undergraduate students (senior) joined our lab.
Jan.25/2017 Dr. Keiko Yoshioka and Dr. Wolfgang Moeder(University of Toronto, Canada)visited our lab.
Dec.13/2017 Dr. Michael Wrzaczek(University of Helsinki, Finland)and Dr. Takamitsu Raisu(Suwa University of Science) visited our lab.
Nov.28/2017 Held a party with Beaujolais and Pizza.
Nov.3/2017 Dr.Toyota received "H29 Saitama University President's Encouragement Award".
Sep.8/2017 Our research collaborate with University of Lausanne was released in New Phytologist.
Aug.15/2017 Our research collaborate with John Innes Centre was released in Journal of Visualized Experiments.
Aug.1/2017 Our research collaborate with Nagoya University was released in Plant Cell.
Jul.13/2017 Held a party for finishing Graduate school entrance exam.
May.30/2017 Our reseach collaborate with John Innes Centre was releaed in Plant Cell.
May.8/2017 Our research collaborate with University of Toronto was released in Plant Cell Physiology.
Apr.19/2017 Dr.Masatsugu Toyota received "The Young Scientists' Award" of The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Apr.1/2017 3 Undergraduate studenets (senior) joined our lab.
Nov.5/2016 Our research collaborate with North Carolina State University was released in Journal of Experimental Botany.
Oct.29/2016 Our research collaborate with Nagoya University was released in Frontiers in Plant Science.
Oct.1/2016 Dr.Masatsugu Toyota opened his lab at Saitama University.