
Welcome to the website ofKurokawa & Ogihara research group!
Japanese version website is here (日本語版のホームページはこちら)

Our group conducts a wide range of research activities in high-performance solid catalysts, many of these aimed at building the the systems for sustainable society including energy conservation, effective use of resources, and waste reduction.

Currently, we are working on six types of research themes: Theme 1 is about development of heterogeneous catalysts for producing α-olefin polymers, and Theme 2 is about investigation of dehydrogenation process and catalysts for the efficient production of olefins from saturated hydrocarbons. In themes 3-5, we conduct research on nanomaterial catalysts and electrochemical systems with the aim of developing processes that effectively utilize next-generation resources and energy including hydrogen and methane.

Since 2016, we have started a joint research with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on desulfurization catalysts (Theme 6).

  • Prof. Hideki KUROKAWA
     Principal Investigator
     Saitama University, Graduate school of sicence and engineering
      Office: Department of Applied Chemistry, Building No. 1, 4th floor, 420 room
      Tel/Fax: +81-48-858-3505
      E-mail: kuro(@)apc.saitama-u.ac.jp
  • Ass. Prof. Hitoshi OGIHARA
     Saitama University, Graduate school of sicence and engineering
      Office: Department of Applied Chemistry, Building No. 1, 4th floor, 418 room
      Tel/Fax: +81-48-858-3504
      E-mail: ogihara(@)apc.saitama-u.ac.jp
Main research theme
  • Theme 1: Development of α-olefin polymerization catalyst
  • Theme 2: Development of dehydrogenation process and catalyst for saturated hydrocarbons
  • Theme 3: Catalyst development for chemical utilization of natural gas
  • Theme 4: Design of electrode catalysts that enable material conversion by electric power
  • Theme 5: Synthesis and development of nano-oxide material by precursor integration method
  • Theme 6: Development of oxidative desulfurization process of diesel fuel
    (Joint research theme with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University)