Laser-induced Cavitation
The liquid jet formation upon the collapse of two interacting cavitation bubbles is a physics-rich complex problem, which has possible implications such as the membrane sonoporation.
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The liquid jet formation upon the collapse of two interacting cavitation bubbles is a physics-rich complex problem, which has possible implications such as the membrane sonoporation.
To design a reliable turbomachinery under unexpected unsteady conditions, we evaluated the dynamic transfer matrix of a three-dimensional centrifugal impeller.
The present study develops the linear and non-linear active control models for cavitation surge in rocket engines.
Water entry is related to various engineering applications and even human/animal behaviors. We use a high-speed video camera to understand the complex yet beautiful interaction between the water entry cavity and surrounding boundaries. We are also interested in splash formation and underwater acoustics.
A flexible hemispherical shell can snap due to its bistability. A rubber popper toy is a well-known example: it is even powerful enough to cause underwater cavitation, with assistance from a rigid substrate placed underneath.
A heated water droplet can easily explode in or on the cooking oil, resulting in droplets scattering. The size of the heated oil droplets seems to be dominated by the bubble dynamics. We employ both high-speed imaging and acoustic sensing to detect/predict the amount of oil aerosol that might occur, which would ultimately contribute to improving the indoor environment.
The present research numerically evaluated the dynamic characteristics for a cavitating pump in a two-dimensional cascade flow using dynamic mode decomposition control (DMDc)
We propose an estimation method using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to estimate the internal flow field of turbomachinery. These estimation methods facilitate real-time assessment of the turbomachinery's internal flow field without the necessity of solving the Navier-Stokes equations during the estimation process.
The optimization of the turbine and guide vane geometries were performed based on the acquired learning data.
By visualizing this rotating cell, we aim to elucidate the mechanism governing its direction and speed.
We utilize dynamic mode decomposition with control (DMDc) to analyze a separated flow in an enlarged rectangular pipe and to develop a feedback control system.
we construct a digital twin of the actual reactor in cyberspace, leveraging point datasets obtained through physical experimentation.
The objective of this study is to derive equations predicting jet velocity through porous plates.
A model with nozzles installed axisymmetrically, each with different generation conditions, enables the generation of thrust in both directions, leading to improved fluid control performance.
This study aims to diagnose urinary disorders early by attempting portable urine flow measurement from urinary images and sound data.